What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a method of expressing one’s feelings, thoughts, desires and needs through art. Art therapy allows individuals to organize their emotional experiences and expressions with the help of coloured pencils, wet materials such as pastel, dry paints, marbling, gouache, acrylic, water, oil paints; clay, play dough, modelling sets and similar sculptural products; Various sizes of coloured papers, cardboards, felts, which can be used for collage, newspapers and magazines, as well as artistic tools that can be diversified with recyclable wastes collected from nature.

The work of art, which emerges in Art therapy applied with the help of artistic tools, turns into a visual document that records the transitive and subjective nature of the individual’s inner life during creativity. The creative process and the resulting artwork offer the individual the opportunity to understand, make sense of, and express feelings, thoughts, desires and needs that cannot be put into words. While the artistic product partially maintains its distance from intrapsychic experiences, it offers functions to an externalized symbol that can be related to itself as a real object. While individuals transform unconscious impulses into concrete symbols through the use of artistic materials in Art therapy, the healing power of art psychotherapies is utilized by re-internalizing them at a higher level of integration.

What are the Art Therapy Workshops at Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital?

All Workshops will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 16:00-17:30.
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of Persons: 6-8 Persons

  • Ceramic Art
  • Emotion Costume Workshop
  • “Image” Expressive Art Workshop
  • Zero Waste Workshop-Cloth Bag Design
  • Canvas Work with Acrylic Paint
  • Sheet Painting Workshop
  • Poetry-Story Workshop
  • Mandala Therapy
  • Marbling Art
  • Wood painting
  • Bookmark Making
  • Clip Art
  • Kitchen Workshop
  • Plant Workshop
  • Jewellery Design Workshop
  • Stone Painting Art
  • Always With Me Workshop
  • A Piece of Nature Workshop

To Whom Can Art Therapy Be Applied?

Art therapy shows successful results in adults who experience the feelings and thoughts that cannot be put into words, the stress that they cannot cope with in daily life, a tragic event they have experienced in the past, and those who have experienced trauma-related speech difficulties, anxiety and panic attacks. Art therapy, which is a psychotherapy method, can be applied individually or in groups with children/adolescents, adults and the elderly. Art therapy is applied in patients with impaired verbal communication, in the treatment of depression, in people with autism spectrum disorder and mental retardation and behavioural disorders, in children with attention deficit, adaptation problems to school, in psychotic disorders, in the treatment of patients with physical mental problems, physical diseases (Cancer, some neurological disorders, chronic pain, etc.), substance addiction, alcohol addiction and gambling addiction.

What are the Benefits of Art Therapy?

Art is protective with its aesthetic and natural structure. It also supports psychological flexibility by increasing compliance. Art therapy, on the other hand, is a method of expressing one’s inner feelings through artistic means. The discovery of art as a therapy method dates back to ancient times and across a wide variety of cultures. Wall paintings in the cave age, handicrafts of Turks, folk dances, rug patterns, dervishes’ rites of rotation, African dances, Christian choirs, sand mandalas in Buddhist temples and many other cultural and social elements have emerged from individuals’ use of art for healing purposes and the benefits of art therapy have been the subject of many studies. The purpose of art therapy is not to “make art”. Individuals who have not dealt with or practiced any branch of art before can practice art therapy without a skill. Art therapy, which uses art and its branches as a tool, expresses the feelings, thoughts, desires and needs that cannot be put into words, while revealing the subconscious and contradictions, symbolizing emotions and expressing stressful events, gives hope to individuals as a source of inspiration. In Art therapy, the person transforms himself into a work of art.

Art Therapy is a remedial psychotherapy method that enables individuals to transform themselves for the better in order to reveal the emotions that are difficult to express. Art Therapy improves the problem solving skills while increasing the self-confidence of the individual, improving the social functionality, reducing the feeling of anxiety that arises as a result of certain plots. It reduces many negative symptoms such as reluctance, distraction, limited verbal expression, and inability to enjoy life, which are intense in psychiatric disorders. Art is a way to self-discovery, increase of self-confidence and empowerment. In art therapy, art is used to relax, release and express While dealing with art changes one’s physiology, general attitude and mood, stress gives way to relaxation, fear and anxiety are replaced by creativity, inspiration and hope.

Do People Who Have a Psychological Disorder Only Get Art Therapy?

Art Therapy can be applied to all individuals who want to express their feelings and express themselves better in daily life, apart from those who have a psychological disorder. Art Therapy is a highly developing and curative support therapy that enables individuals to control their emotions and cope with emotional conflicts that may occur from time to time, to reduce the intense anxiety they feel in the face of the events they experience, to overcome their social skills deficiencies, to increase their problem-solving skills, to gain awareness about their lives and to accept changes.

What are the Other Workshops at Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital?

1.Body-Rhythm Therapy Workshops

Body Rhythm; It is the art of transforming our whole body, including our voice, into a rhythm and sound box by using our hands and feet in a coordinated way.

Our body is a ready-made instrument. The resonators (cavities where vibration will occur) required for the formation of sound are present in the mouth, thoracic and abdominal cavities. Clap, the space we can create using both hands, is also a great instrument. In other words, the body is a footed sound box. These sounds are basically divided into three main groups; Bass (thick), Mid (mid) and Treble (fine) sounds.

After getting to know these basic frequencies on our body in our workshop, we will embark on an enjoyable journey starting from the simplest one to complex rhythm sentences. During a workshop (45 minutes – 1 hour), you will be able to accompany a folk song or song with your body.

What is the Benefit?

Body rhythm helps you discover your potential and gain self-confidence. Strengthening your self is extremely helpful in laying the groundwork where you can find the driving force you need in yourself. Discovering your talent is perhaps our hidden treasure that we have longed for and strived for throughout our lives. Listening is the key that will change us from the beginning to the end of this journey. A person who does not know how to listen will live a life in which he discovers very little of his talents.

It is a very effective method for mental transformation. Music can help you find solutions to problems that we encounter frequently in society, such as distraction, feeling of inadequacy, inability to make decisions, and that make life chaotic with its aftershocks. Body Rhythm is one of the instruments that will allow you to realize all these and find your own key. It increases concentration. Increases brain-muscle coordination to higher levels. It helps us to remove the mental barriers to action and to forget the word difficult.

2. Juggling Workshops

It will be held on Saturday from 12:00 to 13:30.

Duration: 90 minutes
Number of Persons: 10-12 Persons


– Warm up exercises
– Dating and juggling games
– Life Kinetic exercises
– How to spin 3 balls?
– Juggling language and mathematical features (siteswap)
– Cooling exercises

What is Jongleurship?

Juggling is the ability to manipulate different numbers of objects with one or more hands at the same time. There are three different styles in juggling, these styles are used separately or in combination. Juggling studies are carried out in order to benefit the development of athletes in many sports branches around the world. It is a personal development tool that
has been taught since kindergarten and has a great importance for the development of children. Depending on how we use it, we can also call it art, sport or meditation.

What is the Benefit?

  • It improves attention, concentration, focus, perception, creativity, emotion control, evaluation, analysis, and similar thinking abilities.
  • Improves psychomotor abilities such as balance, coordination, strength, flexibility, reflex, speed, timing, etc.
  • It fosters self-confidence and a sense of being on stage.
  • Develops the ability to recognize himself and his environment, and to express himself correctly.
  • Gains the ability to be an individual and act as a team in the psychosocial field.
  • It improves one’s ability to work with a team and teaching skills.

3. Sports Workshops

It will be held on Wednesdays between 15:00-15:50.

Duration: 50 minutes
Number of Persons: 6-8 Persons

-Warming exercises
-Main Study

Functional training is the training in which the movements that will work the whole body are performed consecutively with different intensities and durations for different purposes in order to enable the body to gain functionality. It includes throwing, pushing, pulling, crouching, jumping and similar movements.

The aim of these studies, whose difficulty level is increased gradually, is to be more resilient, fast, flexible and balanced. With these exercises in which body awareness increases, the risk of injury decreases while the harmony and coordination between the muscles increase.

These workouts can be customized based on participants’ fitness levels, flexibility and muscle strength. While training with their own body weights is planned for beginners, more complex movements, extra weights, increased number of sets, and reduced rest periods can be planned for more advanced ones.

Functional training is one of the most preferred trainings recently, as it generally requires less equipment, can be easily done almost anywhere, and has a minimal risk of undesirable side effects and injury.

What is the Benefit?

  • Strengthen the whole body by working many muscle groups at the same time
  • Improves strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination and aerobic capacity
  • Helps with fat burning, weight loss and weight control
    It facilitates by contributing to the movements we make in daily life.
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes, increases the metabolic rate
    Group work strengthens the sense of social support, trust, unity and harmony with the group through social interaction.
  • Increases self-confidence, self-efficacy, sense of achievement and life energy
  • It provides support to increase the sleep pattern and quality.

The information on this page has been prepared by the Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital Medical Team.

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